Friday, November 17, 2006

On Dadi's death...

I've been asked to stay at home and wait,
Until someone comes over and tells me she is dead.
I've seen her fade away for almost a year,
Seen death creep over her slowly...

Seems lke it sweeped in at her feet first,
Not sure of how it would be treated.
But gaining strength and courage,
On her precios body, for so long it feasted.

I go over to where they havelaid her,
She looks not dead, just asleep.
"I am all right", she seems to say,
"No more pain, only my fond memories you must keep."

Amongst the multitude of people I feel lost,
'MOURN' - my head screams, though i feel not inclined to cry,
My body stands mechanical, my fet numb.
Everybody aound me wails, and I don't know why.

I look at her- she soundly sleeps,
And on her forehead no worries crease.
Hush all... don't stir her... don't mar her peace.
Don't you see your shrieks and wails don't reach her numb ears.
She is gone- far, far away, where
there is no sadness, no darkness, no fear.

They take her away and the cries grow loud,
I still feel nothing except a strong urge to move away from the crowd.

I go into her room and as soon as I open her cupboard,
I feel a void, an emptiness- there where her voice was constantly heard.
And I realize she'll never sit on that bed again,
And I realize she'll never watch that TV again,
And I realize she is gone forever.
A flash of pain crumples me as if from my body my heart's been severed.

Now I feel inclined to cry,
And now I know why.

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